
  1. 2021.11.05

    Sanjo newspaper published an article about our community contribution activities

    An article about our donation was published in the November 5 issue of Sanjo newspaper.As part of our regional contribution activities, we donat...

  2. 2021.01.12

    Outdoor web media “hinata” introduced TOJIRO×TSBBQ outdoor kitchen knife.

    "hinata" is a service that delivers information about the latest outdoor topics, based on the concept of "You will love to be outside.TOJIRO x T...

  3. 2021.01.05

    Yamatani Industry was featured in a press release on Makuake.

    Our efforts were featured in a press release article about the "questionnaire function" added to the crowdfunding site "Makuake".Makuake's ...

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